After understanding the Big Picture of hiring agencies, you decide it’s time to get online and find someone to represent you! Great! A few things to consider below (and by a few, we mean, well … it can get complicated, but as long as you are thorough with your research and applications J


The Application Process

There are an abundance of organizations out there that can help place you at a summer camp. They all have slightly differing processes for application which are fairly easy to navigate. However, a criminal background check (required by the U.S. state department), professional references (required by the U.S. State department), and as required by most summer camps, proof of a clean police background check.

It’s All About The Interview
Application Review & Being Placed


Other gold nuggets before applying:

Top 10 Reasons Why Staff Don’t Work Out (at Camp Augusta, at least)
Example of Camp Expectations (every camp will have different expectations, and it’s a brilliant idea to know them, and live them 🙂
Soul Nature (describes a soul nature that gracefully and powerfully moves children, adults and the world)
Do You Have The Right Stuff?
What Your Gold Nugget May Include



The Costs:

For anyone who registers with an agency, that individual will pay fees to their agency in order to participate in the program at all. This cost varies depending on the agency you use, and in general you can expect to pay around $400~$600 USD for first time international staff.

Participant Costs:
This participant fee is the same regardless of what actual camp the participant ends up working at, and these costs are related to your enrolment.

VISA appointment (embassy fee which is typically around $160 USD)
– Pre Departure meeting
– Staffing costs for the agency
– Interviewing for the Dept. of State by the agency
– Screening and background check
– Insurance for VISA dates

Camp Costs:
These are costs incurred to camps to have YOU work for them.
– The agency fee to the camp for placing you there
– Travel Expenses, sometimes (please see The Financial Matrix of Working At Camp below)


For a broad view, check out a chart on International Hiring Agency Fees for first-time applicants, returners as well as what it costs camp:


Returning International Hires?

Round two (or three or four) at a summer camp! Great! To avoid extraordinary fees (like, we mean hundreds to thousands of dollars), please read this document about the Direct Placement Process.


Okay, some of you may be thinking … whoa, that made no sense. Maybe you’re seeing Matrix code like this all over the screen –

Or maybe you got some of it, and that’s great! Let’s break it down anyway …


Meet Neo, a lovely candidate for camp. Like you, he is looking to be hired at Camp Zion as a kung fu and spoon bending specialist. Curtain call … and showtime!

The Financial Matrix of Working At Camp